Friday, October 16, 2009

Do No Evil

Two of my friends are international students who were originally from China. Naturally, their Google accounts were created back in their homeland. When I started gchatting with both of them, I noticed that Franklin [Last Name Redacted] and Harry [Last Name Redacted] had both turned into Franklin Chino and Harry Chino. I thought both of them were referencing something, so I decided to ask what was going on:

me: hey how come both you and harry have 'chino' after your names on gmail?

franklin: i don't know how i got it

i registered my name as [redacted]

and how did u get americano

me: what

are you serious?

my name is satya americano? google auto-added that to my first name?

franklin: yeah quite serious

me: hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahaah

oh man


franklin: i thought you added that

me: you just made my night

this is the funniest thing ever

franklin: thanks for saying that

Satya americano

it's on my screen right now

as we speak

would you suggest I make some changes to it

me: no

i am happy to be Satya Americano

Thank you Google, for creating Franklin Chino, Harry Chino, and me, Satya Americano.

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